Ptérygakinesis, also known as flight, is the ability to elevate oneself using wings, typically located on the back. it is unspecified whether wings can be grown at birth. Wings can be attained by grant of magic, as in Swift Wind's situation. This superpower is not connected to one specific runestone or Kingdom but the majority of winged creatures shown have been located on Etheria. Wings in texture of the SRPoP universe have been seen as feathered--in the case of Angella and Swift Wind--or with membrane--in case of Imp. Presumably, shapeshifters can imitate these wings and fly like a winged creature. A flying shape-shifter has never been seen, though Double Trouble was able to turn into a Bright Moon Guard with wings. In addition, She-Ra's magic accidentally gave wings to a lizard in "Flowers for She-Ra"; however, the lizard was never seen flying.
- Swift Wind
- Queen Angella
- Imp
- Shape-shifters (presumably)
- Lizard (presumably)