She-Ra and the Princesses of Power Wiki
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power Wiki

This article is a list of all the games in the She-Ra and the Princesses of Power Universe.

Kyle's Game[]

Kyle's game is a game he made up, demonstrated only the episode "Protocol". It involves bouncing a ball around, and Kyle changes the rules every time he plays so that his victory is ensured. Lonnie pointed this out when Rogelio bounced it off of that thing and Kyle stated that it was minus five points, before rebuffing that Rogelio forgot the magic password and that he had been standing in the loser zone. Lonnie was not wearing the paper hat she was required to, so she was given a five-point deduction minus. Lonnie thought that the rules did not make any sense, but Kyle called her a sore loser and told her to watch himself, "the master." He almost hit Lonnie in his next attempt. When he lost his own game, he said that he used a different move, and that he had received all the points, winning the game.


Bot-shield-laser was a game seen in Protocol, played by Lonnie, Kyle, and Rogelio. This suggests that it is played in the Horde. It is a version of rock-paper-scissors. Bot beats laser, laser beats shield, and shield beats bot.



Battle Games[]

Battle games exist in the She-Ra and the Princesses of Power universe. They have never been shown, however, in "Roll With It", Frosta mentioned a battle game without having to explain what she was talking about, as the others already knew what she was referring to. This implies that they do indeed exist, though it is unknown as to how they are played.
