She-Ra and the Princesses of Power вики
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power вики

She-Ra and the Princesses of Power: Island of Magical Creatures

(She-Ra Chapter Book #2)

После битвы за Яркую Луну армия Орды отступила. Но Адора знает, что они скоро вернутся. Теперь Совет Принцесс ищет способ усилить Восстание. Затем они обнаруживают фреску Первых, которая показывает остров, полный животных с магическими способностями. Реальны ли эти магические существа и помогут ли они Восстанию? Адора и ее друзья отправляются на поиски.

Scholastic Inc.
Tracey West
Amanda Schank
Release Date
June 25, 2019
128 pages
What is the Horde doing, and why? How can Adora and Swift Wind bridge the gap between them? This story takes place in the days and weeks after the Battle of Bright Moon.
chapter 1 Into the Woods While searching the Whispering Woods with Swift Wind, Adora spotted something suspicious.
chapter 2 The Princess Council How can the hero's respond to this? Everyone's got an idea.
chapter 3 An Ancient Mural Adora's ability to read 1st Ones comes in handy.
chapter 4 Eyes in the Darkness Is someone paranoid or is that...
chapter 5 Across the Ice Bridge Frosta saves the day
chapter 6 Battle on the Gorge is that an elemental?
chapter 7 Arcana Island How do you cross a body of water, ideas anyone?
chapter 8 Twinkles the Mighty Are these friends or foes?
chapter 9 Following Treeleaf Do sloth's have magic?
chapter 10 Catra's Back Sorry I said you were paranoid.
chapter 11 Decisions "... stay here and protect this place."
chapter 12 A Bond at Last? "I'm not jealous! YOU'RE jealous!""She-Ra"?Ntk=P_Series_Title&Ns=P_Series_Number&Ntx=mode+matchall