She-Ra (2018) Is It A Good Animated Series? Is It Worth It? Give Your Feedback!
She-Ra (2018) Is It A Good Animated Series? Is It Worth It? Give Your Feedback!
I just found this AMV and I LOVED it, so I thought I'd share it! :)
Asking this out of curiosity, because I cannot identify what seems like a sad moment because of my *coughs* alexithymia. So, what do you think?
Thanks a million to Kit @ArchduchessKittycat for posting this in the Crew Art page, I would have never found a clear image if I had just looked it up... 😭
Also, do I post this in Fan Creation/Project, or just in General?...slightly confused.
37 Votes in Poll
Because I took a survey on whether or not I had alexithymia, (and the results showed I did) and one of the agree or disagree statements was: "I prefer to watch light entertainment shows rather than psychological thrillers." Now, I presumed that "psychological thriller" meant that it had a lot of emotional concepts to it, but I'm not really sure.
Since he posted pictures of the book he made with it, here is an image of the cover I made for @BrianSturgill 's October fanfic series!! :)
(I tried to include something from most of the stories on the cover, but it was difficult to fit it all in!)
You can read all 31 of Brian's She-Ra-Tober stories in the Fan Fiction Archive, along with the stories other people on the wiki wrote!
She-Ra-Tober was a super fun challenge, and I was so excited by how much creativity the wiki showed during it! ^U^
I realized late, but...
Yesterday was the six year anniversary of She-Ra and the Princesses of Power premiering on Netflix.
And I know how everyone said it was like, the saddest thing ever, but... I didn't show or feel any emotion, for reasons I cannot explain.
Just me singing the opening theme: "Warriors"
Couldn't hit the high note on "We're gonna win..." 😅
Hope you enjoy!
(I really hope this is real if not I'll be so sad!)
Ello ello!
So i recently posted a poll on weather i should do this or not and considering most people agreed, i began this project of drawing every she-ra character as a Spirit Cat!
Just so you know, Spirit Cats are something i came up with - magical cats with features according to the type of spirit they are. I kinda took inspo from Wings of Fire and Warrior cats and a lot of other stuff including She-Ra. I'm making a story on how they came into existence and its going tremendously slowly. I was going to share it on Scratch in case anyone has heard of it, but here's your SHE-RA Season 1-4! :D
Name: She-Ra
Rank: Princess
Spirit: Pure Light Spirit
Magic: Light
Wing type: Fluffy feathered
Residents: Bright Sky Palace
It came out ok i guess tho i think i could do better.... still
BEST 18 HOURS I EVER WASTED!! (considering i kept getting distracted :sob:)
I think they will get better as i go along.
Thank you to everyone who supported this idea :)
Guys, what exactly is this thing? A giant spider, a giant beetle?
It appears as a furious animal in the first two episodes (and in others too), but I still can't quite figure out what he is.
According to the Grayskull Wiki it is a "Giant Spider", but I don't know how reliable that is since the description concerns Light Hope's robot spiders.
It also appears to me that it doesn't have a page here on the Wiki, which seems strange to me since it's the cause of Adora's first transformation as She-Ra. (Then maybe I'm the one who can't find it.)
So what do you think it is? Do you think it deserves an article here on the Wiki?
Hey, everyone! I made this several weeks ago, but I kept forgetting to share it in a post! I'm sorry!!
This is another installment of COVER ART for @BrianSturgill 's AMAZING fan fiction!!!
(Links and more below ⬇️)
If you want to read the episode this art is based off of, click HERE!
If you want to start reading at the beginning of Brian's EPIC fan fiction, click HERE!
To continue through the fan fiction, follow the links in the comments of every post, or you can go straight to ANY PART of the fanfic (and check out more of my covers, if you'd like) in our Fan Fiction Archive!
Though Brian has finished his She Ra Season 6 and Season 7 story, I suggest you check it out, if you haven't already!
I really enjoyed reading it! :)
I'm just curious to know everyone's opinions!! 🙂
I'm reading The Best Liars in Riverview by Lin Thompson, and it talked about She-Ra!
This book is really good, by the way, I highly recommend. It also has major LGBTQ characters and themes.
Ok I just posted the thing talking about the fanfic but I’m just WAY TO EXCITED to see the community’s reactions and comments! So, um, here it is!
Ivy sat in the Savior’s Field, anxious. She was 12, long hair, a gradient of purples, blues, and pink, that she almost always had in a braid, and unique eyes, rainbow shimmering on her silver iris’, a unique skill to sense the aura of a person just by looking in their eyes. She kept hearing a woman’s voice whispering through the breeze. Her instincts told her to follow it, but her moms would never let her go that far from her home in the plains. She went anyway. Through the Whispering Woods, she found a soft golden glow flowing through cracks between the trees. She climbed towards it, reached out and…
Images flashed before her eyes, clips of her past, her future, her fate, until the images paused on a beautiful woman with flowing lavender hair, a soft smile across her face, her caramel skin gorgeously matching her eyes, which looked like glittering stars. Ivy felt a motherly aura surrounding the calm woman. Then, the woman began to speak.
“I am Light Hope”
When will She-Ra and the Princesses of Power enter the Public Domain?
25 Votes in Poll