She-Ra-tober Announcement Post
Fanfic #1: Rainbow
Fanfic #2: Tattoo
Fanfic #3: Evening
Fanfic #4: Purring
Fanfic #5: Leaf Pile
Fanfic #6: Sunset
Fanfic #7: Warm
Fanfic #8: Abandoned
Fanfic #9: Workout
Fanfic #10: Embarrassing
Fanfic #11: Drunk
Fanfic #12: Future
Fanfic #13: Canoe
Fanfic #14: Sleep
Fanfic #15: Rope
Fanfic #16: Kiss
Fanfic #17: Robots
Fanfic #18: Aquarium
Fanfic #19: Grandparents
Fanfic #20: Suit
Fanfic #21: Heart of Etheria
Fanfic #22: Prisoner
Fanfic #23: Roman Empire
Fanfic #24: Cuddle
Fanfic #25: Music
Fanfic #26: Enemies
For this Day 27 fanfic, it's time to stay up late with the cool kids!
The ice slides turned out to be a big hit at the sleepover!
They stretched from one end of the throne room to the other, passing each other and weaving in crazy curves along the way.
Netossa and Spinnerella were having a turn at the moment, zooming in from the opposite directions and sharing a high-five as they passed a point in the middle where the slides came close together!
Perfuma and Scorpia were chatting and laughing, waiting for their turn.
And Entrapta was making a careful study of the slides (with calculations concerning their friction coefficients), taking occasional breaks to refuel on tiny snacks.
Beneath them, there were tables loaded with food, as well as areas for games. Bow and Swift Wind were playing a ring-toss game. Adora, Catra, Glimmer, and Sea Hawk were competing at the Limbo to some upbeat music, while Mermista looked on, munching on a kelp-kabob.
There were beanbags and pillows scattered around the floor.
After her turn at Limbo, Glimmer stopped and looked around, frowning. "Did anyone see where Frosta went?"
She felt a sudden tug on her cape and turned the other direction to find Frosta looking up and grinning at her.
"Hey, Glimmer! I've got something really cool to show you! Come on!"
Glimmer followed her curiously out of the throne room and into a small adjoining room where there was a screened-off portion.
Frosta put a hand up. "You stay here. No peeking!"
Glimmer nodded. "Okay." And Frosta disappeared behind the screen.
After a couple of minutes, Frosta emerged with a self-satisfied smile.
Glimmer gaped! Then she laughed.
"Wow! You're a mini-me!"
Frosta was wearing a version of Glimmer's entire outfit! From the gem nestled between her collar-bones down to her boots.
And she was wearing a pink and lavender wig dotted with sparkles.
"Just wait, though," she said, motioning Glimmer over, "It gets better!"
Glimmer grinned with understanding.
Over in the grand party room, Adora was offering a hand to Catra, who lay scowling on the floor under the Limbo bar. Catra swatted Adora's hand away in annoyance. "This is a stupid game," she insisted.
Catra arched her back and sprang up to her feet as Sea Hawk, standing nearby, was literally wiping sweat from his forehead with his bandana, evidently relieved by the outcome.
"Who's winning?" came a bright voice beside them.
"Sea Hawk's about to lose," Mermista explained.
Sea Hawk was quick to object. "My darling exaggerates, Glimmer. I -- " and he glanced over again in a double-take. "I mean, . . . Frosta??"
Frosta giggled. Glimmer stepped up beside her in a slightly-upscaled version of Frosta's fur-lined jacket and boots of slate blue, with dark blue short hairstyle to match. "Clearly I'm Frosta! Can't you see that?!"
Glimmer struck a pose. "Ice fists!"
Frosta moved up beside her, putting her hands out in a fighting pose. "Sparkle powers!"
"Why are you doing that?" asked Catra dryly.
Adora elbowed her good-naturedly in the ribs. "'Cause its fun, Catra!" she scolded. Turning toward Glimmer and Frosta she gestured to their outfits, and giggled. "That's really good, guys!"
"I have no idea what you're talking about," said Glimmer, somewhat indignantly. She turned and continued. "Do you, Glimmer?"
"Nope. Not a clue, Frosta!" She put a hand to her mouth, stifling an amused smile.
"Well!" remarked Glimmer finally. "I believe I should go check and see how my other guests are doing." She turned on her heel and motioned for Frosta to follow.
"Yes, Frosta! I think I'll come with you!"
Glimmer and Frosta could hardly contain themselves as they surprised each of Frosta's guests in turn!
Perfuma immediately played along, which made Scorpia question her senses momentarily.
Entrapta wasn't fooled for a moment, but she didn't even seem to notice or care that Glimmer and Frosta were dressed as each other!
Spinnerella couldn't stop laughing, and Netossa shook her head, smiling at the joke.
Swift Wind noticed the difference, and he examined Glimmer very closely before asking her in all seriousness, "Something different about your hair, right?"
Bow's reaction was their favorite, as he startled strongly when he first saw Frosta as Glimmer!
After that, the party took a different, and much sillier, turn!
Swift Wind pulled his mane back and made a poof out of his forelock, then strutted around very seriously and refused to relax!
Shortly after that, Bow somehow was wearing Sea Hawk's jacket, swinging from the ceiling and yelling, "ADVENTURE!!!" while Sea Hawk tore off the lower portion of his shirt and began to sing about friendship!
Entrapta happily swung after Bow, speaking rapidly into her recorder!
Catra and Adora managed to switch tops while no one was looking, and from that point on, they just ran around chasing each other, stealing Adora's jacket back and forth, and laughing riotously!
Spinnerella and Netossa joined Mermista on some beanbag cushions with snacks, and the three of them watched all the antics.
And Scorpia and Perfuma hugged each other close, squealing and laughing all the way down the ice slides!
Glimmer and Frosta stayed in costume for the rest of the night, even as things wound down and everyone got cozy and relaxed.
In a quiet moment, Mermista turned to Sea Hawk and nodded toward their outfit-swapped friends.
"Ya know . . ." she began hesitantly, lowering her voice, "it might actually be . . . kinda fun . . . for you and me to try that some time."
And Sea Hawk replied with a soft, but enthusiastic: