She-Ra-tober Announcement Post
Fanfic #1: Rainbow
Fanfic #2: Tattoo
Fanfic #3: Evening
Fanfic #4: Purring
Fanfic #5: Leaf Pile
Fanfic #6: Sunset
Fanfic #7: Warm
Fanfic #8: Abandoned
Fanfic #9: Workout
Fanfic #10: Embarrassing
Fanfic #11: Drunk
Fanfic #12: Future
Fanfic #13: Canoe
Fanfic #14: Sleep
Fanfic #15: Rope
Fanfic #16: Kiss
Fanfic #17: Robots
Fanfic #18: Aquarium
Fanfic #19: Grandparents
Fanfic #20: Suit
We have now come to the Day 21 fanfic!
Take heart!
Heart of Etheria
The Heart had a mind of its own.
Even a soul.
For more than a thousand years, it had existed in harmony with the flora, fauna, and geology of Etheria.
Together, they were at home, sharing magic, energy, life-force, purpose.
It had reached out as far as it could.
Through time . . . space . . . and generation.
Until it was an intimate part of all things.
It had touched the magic, enriched it, nurtured it, and kept it safe.
Ready for the magnificent release that would one day come.
Unlike the enemy, it did not fear.
There was no room for fear, with so much wonder.
So much curiosity!
Who could conceive how much this planet had taught the Heart!
For this was its primary function . . . to be open . . . to receive . . . to bring all things into connection.
Until everything would be one mind, one purpose, and one focused action.
Unlike the enemy, the Heart held no delusion of supremacy.
It did not consume or erase.
The Heart respected what was preciously unique, for individuality created strength.
Through the centuries as it grew, the world had grown with it, creating new beauty and integrity within the Heart and in everything around it.
The Heart did not dream of conquest and subjugation, but only ever of unity and harmony!
The darkness of the enemy masqueraded as light.
But the Heart was light!
It was the light and the hope for the future of Eternia and Etheria!
And so, without fear, without judgement, without malice or discord, it had waited the many long and fruitful years, in perfect patience, until all would become balanced and complete.
Even when the corruption of the enemy invaded, full of violence, threat, and destruction -- all of that which the Heart rejected -- it remained patient, knowing that these things would pass away in time.
The Heart could endure and outlast because Etheria had taught it well as its powerful ally.
It knew the enemy well.
Well enough to recognize the wisdom that said the enemy himself would unwittingly help its work to come to bloom, ultimately proving instrumental in his own destruction.
Failure could never be.
At most, it could only be delay.
Now, the time had come.
Balance had been achieved, and all sources of magic had come into harmony around and within the Heart.
But in a blink, the true corruption had taken root.
Etheria was sick at Heart, and the enemy clawed his way within.
Darkness bled through its body, and it began to grow cold.
That which knew no fear was seized with an uneasy doubt.
A sorrow and a pain that cut deep.
The enemy must fall, it reminded itself.
The enemy must fall . . .
And at the last, there came one who brought it a greater light . . . a truer hope.
Two who brought it something new.
It was a precious thing that it had never fully known.
Yet something for which it had longed and ached as long as it had existed.
A simple, eternal need.
Without fear, the Heart recognized that this love would break it.
But the Heart was content with that destiny.
It realized that this love was the true weapon.
Offered from a piece of itself.
And it came with a promise:
This will shine through the darkness.
This will humble the enemy.
This will endure.
And so, with all of its patience and acceptance, and strengthened by its new-found love, the Heart embraced this gift.
And, taking it into itself, it let itself be broken.
Broken by love.
And Etheria was healed.