She-Ra-tober Announcement Post
Fanfic #1: Rainbow
Fanfic #2: Tattoo
Fanfic #3: Evening
Fanfic #4: Purring
Fanfic #5: Leaf Pile
Fanfic #6: Sunset
Fanfic #7: Warm
Fanfic #8: Abandoned
Fanfic #9: Workout
Fanfic #10: Embarrassing
Fanfic #11: Drunk
Fanfic #12: Future
A fanfic for Day 13!
(I hope this floats your boat!)
Adora sat on the shore of the little stream, resting her chin on one bent knee.
She gazed at the rippling waters and listened to its peaceful continuous murmur, and she smiled as she breathed deeply in the serenity.
She looked around herself, suddenly wondering where her companion had gotten to.
She frowned a little.
"Swifty?" she called, rising to her feet and turning around.
There was a rustling sound at the edge of the nearby woods, and suddenly the foliage parted to reveal Swift Wind's tail as he emerged from the trees backwards.
"Rut hirr, Adurra!" came his cheerful, but slightly muffled, reply.
Swift Wind's head was low to the ground because he was dragging something heavy with his teeth.
Adora watched curiously. The object was long and narrow -- perhaps twice Swift Wind's length and about his width -- and it seemed to be hollowed out from the top.
Oh. Now she could see exactly what it was.
Once the entire shape was revealed, Swift Wind let go of it and turned toward Adora proudly. "Look at this, Adora! I just found this super-snazzy whatcha-call-it lying in the woods!"
Adora smirked a little and shook her head. "You really don't know what it is, huh?"
Swift Wind tossed his head and snorted sensitively. "Don't be ridiculous, Adora! Of course I do!" He studied it a few moments, walking around to get a different angle. "It's aaaaaaaaaaaaaa . . . errrrm . . ." He cocked his head, then shot a quick glance to Adora. "Little hint?"" he suggested, speaking out of the corner of his mouth.
Adora smiled in amusement and affection. "It starts with a 'B'," she said helpfully.
Swift Wind nodded several times. "Right! Haha. Of course!"
Then he tossed the canoe across his shoulders and balanced it with his wings from underneath. "It's a basket!" he proclaimed, "Sure could hold a lot of apples with this baby!"
Adora shook her head.
Suddenly, Swift Wind was lying on his back, pushing the canoe up and down repeatedly with his hooves. "No, I got it! It's a barbell. Oh yeah! Feelin' the burn!"
Adora looked at him in disbelief. "Ah, . . . no."
The canoe and Swift Wind had switched places, and the horse was now lying on his back jammed with difficulty into the length of the canoe.
"It's a . . . very uncomfortable bathtub?" Swift Wind's voice sounded a bit strangled as he spoke.
"No, Swifty."
"A back scratcher!! Ahhhhhh!" Swift Wind had now turned the canoe upside down and was rubbing his back up and down against the sharp edge of its keel.
Adora tried to keep a straight face. "Nope."
Now Swift Wind was standing on top of it, attempting to keep all four hooves on the edge while taking tiny mincing steps. "Balance beam?!?! Whaa-owww-ahh!"
Adora hid her eyes with her hand, cringing.
There was a terrible scrabbling of hooves on wood, followed by a colossal crashing thump!
Adora parted her fingers a little to peek. "You okay?"
But her noble steed was already back on his feet, looking triumphantly down at the toppled canoe.
"Wait a minute! It's so obvious! Why didn't I see it before?"
Adora grinned. "Now you get it."
"Yes! It's been staring me in the face!" He pointed with one hoof. "Clearly, this is a perfect example of a jumbo-sized boomerang!"
Adora's grin faded.
And with that, Swift Wind clamped the end of the canoe in his teeth, swung back, and threw it with a mighty fling!
It landed heavily about three feet away, near the river.
He regarded it coolly. "Hmm. I think this boomerang is broken."
Adora walked over to the canoe and put her foot against it.
"Look. I'll just show you," she announced, and gave it a push.
It slipped into the stream and began floating slowly along.
"Huh." Swift Wind blinked his eyes. "It's a canoe. Does that start with a 'B'?"
Adora frowned. "Oh." She sounded slightly disappointed. "I was thinking 'boat'."
"Let's try it out!" Swift Wind suggested.
He took a leap and landed with a crunch as his hooves burst straight through the bed of the canoe.
Swift Wind looked downward, watching it slowly sink.
"I guess it did start with a 'B' after all," he admitted, "'cause it's kind of a bust."
Adora waded in and laid her hand on his shoulder.
"But, you . . . you really are . . ."
"Brilliant?" he proposed. "Beautiful?" Then he hung his head. "Nah. You were probably thinking I'm just a 'buffoon.'"
Adora smiled, putting both arms around his neck and hugging him dearly.
"I was thinking you're my best friend."
And her best friend gave a whinny of happiness.