She-Ra-tober Announcement Post
Fanfic #1: Rainbow
Fanfic #2: Tattoo
Fanfic #3: Evening
Fanfic #4: Purring
Fanfic #5: Leaf Pile
Fanfic #6: Sunset
It's time for my Day 7 fanfic!
Time to discover who is having trouble getting warm. 😉
Well, aren't you the clever darling!
But it's true. That was me you saw.
When our eyes met, just for a blink. Across a crowded room.
The diva dressed to the nines and oozing out of a luscious fur coat!
And you would think with all that fur, I would have stayed nice and warm, right?!
With a flirty little lavender top and purple mini-skirt to flaunt?
Call me cold-blooded, honey, but there was no way I was gonna cover up that little number!
There I was, striking a pose by the bandstand, a wink and a kiss, and then I was lost in the crowd again.
You poor dear.
I knew that someone would spot me that night.
That there would be whispers: "Ooo, was it really them?!"
But that was the point, you see.
On a night where anything might happen (and did), I was in the mood for a thrill!
Small cabarets and odd jobs could only bring so much satisfaction.
So . . . I decided to treat myself and set my sights on the grandest gala of them all!
Princess Prom.
How did I do it?
You may well ask because, as you know, although I am many things, I am not (usually) a princess.
Well, I won't be giving away all my secrets, but the tale is worth the telling.
For a price!
Are you sitting comfortably? Good!
Let me tell you something about the royalty game, dear one.
It's mostly a family affair. A closed shop.
Don't get me wrong! With my . . . special talents . . . getting in with royalty is a snap! Getting in good with them is . . . tricky.
Especially the way I wanted to go: in the role of Double Trouble!
My personal challenge to myself -- the ultimate extra thrill to cap the grand performance!
I had been working the royalty circuit for a while, discreetly of course, and mostly on the level, until one night it paid off, and my ticket to the Prom walked right into my arms!
That is, he walked into the club where I was moonlighting.
And later, into my arms.
Now . . . you've heard of Prince Peekablue?
He used to have quite a reputation before he mysteriously disappeared.
(Now, stop! You make me blush! He's simply a free spirit, darling. Who can tell what might have happened to him?)
Anyway! The prince and I hit it off right away! Both of us love the arts, and he has a sympathy for the theatrical!
And I have to admit: He is gorgeous, too! (Please! The hair, the eyes!)
He came to a few of my shows. I did some odd jobs for him.
We started spending more time together.
Princess Sweet Bee was a bit of a problem. For a little while.
But, well, you know how it goes.
A little rumor here. An inconvenient revelation there.
Small indiscretions can become larger betrayals, and then suddenly . . . no more problem!
And the Prince had a new and more fascinating partner!
It really was a win-win.
So, when Princess Prom rolled around it was:
"Wow! Me?!! Your plus one to the Prom?!! My hero!!"
(Shamelessly clichéd, I grant you. But it was an adorable scene.)
But, alas! On the very night of the Prom, when we were to meet at the Castle in the Kingdom of Snows, my Prince was nowhere to be seen!!!
You thought I was being serious? You innocent dear!
Oh, I admit, it was a teensy bit inconvenient that I arrived as a plus-one . . . without my one. (His loss.) But I had my plus-one ticket.
And I had plenty of time to make a plan while I was standing in the line to check weapons!
In all humility, it was the quickest quick-change I had ever attempted.
I watched the couple a few spots ahead of me . . . stepped out of the line at just the right moment . . . and with a twirl behind the backs of the couple just ahead . . . during which I helpfully picked a dagger that one of the guests was not checking (shame on them!) , , , I trotted to the front of the line as one of the previous plus-ones!
All it took was a convincing, "Oh, I'm so sorry! I forgot to check my other weapon!"
By the time I got to the guard at the door with an apology and a quick flash of my ticket, I was waved through without a fuss! Because, after all, they had seen . . . whoever it was . . . only a minute before.
And yes, my performance had actually convinced them that they had seen that person leave and then come back!
(The hardest part was refraining from applauding myself!)
Once inside, I cast off the facade (and my coat)!
At last I was in! And freezing!
But . . . what a party!
Sumptuous snacks!
Dreamy music!
Ooo, was that a bit of drama with a rude greeting to the host? How spicy!
And the dancing!
The colorful fashions and flamboyant personalities!
And then the real drama! There was obviously some kind of colorful history between these two princesses because they were not happy with each other!
I could hardly contain my pleasure when the host actually had to step in to stop their catfight!
And finally . . . explosions! Screaming and confusion!
Oh, what delicious chaos!!
This was a party made just for me!!
Coat?!? Who needed a coat?!
I was warm all over, darling!