Scorpia and Perfuma were walking hand in hand at the edges of the Whispering Woods, when Perfuma pointed through the misty air toward Bright Moon.
"Look, Scorpia," she said, a smile blooming in her voice.
Scorpia raised her eyes toward where Perfuma was pointing. "Whoah!"
A fountain of colors was somehow erupting from the fields near the castle: lavender, violet, teal, blue, gold, and rose.
"Come on!" shouted Perfuma, tugging at Scorpia's claw and urging her into a run.
They arrived, laughing and squealing at the site of a royal picnic, where Glimmer and Bow were serving tea and sandwiches to Mermista, Sea Hawk, Frosta, Netossa and Spinnerella.
And She-Ra stood over them all, sword upraised, brilliantly focusing the auras of magic emanating from all of the princesses.
She looked down and smiled.
"Oh, good!" she beamed, "You're here!"
Mermista raised an eyebrow. "Hey, yeah. That was weirdly effective."
Scorpia kneeled down, clearly dazzled by the beautiful spread.
Perfuma looked admiringly at She-Ra. "You mean, this is how you called all of the other princesses to the picnic, too?!"
She-Ra nodded proudly, "Yep! Errr, . . . well, I mean, just about."
Suddenly, a gleeful cackle seemed to descend upon them!
"Hahahaha!!" and Entrapta dropped down off of a strangely-shaped and nearly silent flying bot!
"Hey! I wondered what was causing this optical diffraction pattern!" she enthused. "It was reflecting off of the clouds, so I could see it all the way from Dryl!" Without hesitation, Entrapta scooped up a hair-handful of miniature canapes!
"There!" She-Ra exclaimed. "We're all here!"
She lowered her sword and sat with the others.
"And look!" exclaimed Bow, pointing above them.
They all looked up and gasped at the brilliance of their combined colors of magic still waving into the air. Now completed, they stretched over the entire castle, casting their full spectrum to glow upon its walls and bathe a number of surprised faces that peered from its windows and balconies with expressions of delight.
For a moment, the gathering of friends sat in contented silence.
"Soooooooooo . . ."
All eyes turned toward Mermista, who was frowning in her unconcerned manner.
"Are we gonna, like, do this every single time we get together, now?"
Glimmer smiled.