She-Ra and the Princesses of Power Wiki
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power Wiki

Posting Guide

General Information

A discussions thread is this. It is also sometimes called the "community blog." When you open the page of a thread, you see a big post at the top. The post at the very top of the page is called the Main Post. When you make posts under it, those posts are called replies. A thread is a chain of posts, meaning, the page that the series of posts are on. Message wall threads are threads on message walls, which you can access by clicking anyone’s username and then clicking the message wall tab next to profile. Anything else is called an article, which everyone can contribute to so long as they are improving the article in some way. However, pages like this can only be edited by moderators because this is a rules page and rules don’t get changed unless our mod team agrees to change them. If you have a suggestion for a rules change, feel free to make a thread in the suggestions category.

Posting Guidelines

On Topic

Posts in the thread should be related to or directly inspired by "She-Ra and the Princesses of Power," it's creators, and/or its specific fan community. Posts may be opinions, personal statements, on-topic questions for the community, speculations, humor, games, sharing creativity, etc. They should fall under one of the posting categories (see below) and be categorized appropriately.


If you are posting someone else's original artwork, please include a credit to the artist in your post, and/or a link to where you found it. It is unfair to the creator not to be acknowledged for something they spent time and energy on. Saying you found it by googling or on Tumblr or Pinterest is not sufficient credit. Best practice is to link the post to the artist's own site, where they have chosen to display their own work. And also: If an artist states they do not want their work reposted, please respect this, and do not repost it on our wiki.


Please avoid necroposting. This is when a user posts a reply on an old post for which the conversation is no longer active. Necroposting sends additional notifications to other users that were involved in the conversation a long time ago, which can be an annoyance. A good rule-of-thumb is that a post whose most recent reply is older than 2 weeks is a dead post. If you would like to revive the conversation, please generate a new post, and (if you like) you can copy and paste the link for the previous post within your new post, to show the connection.

Multiple Posting

  • Avoid multiple posting (posting on the same thread immediately after you just posted), as this is disruptive and a form of spamming; say what you want to say in a single post, and then give others a chance to respond.
    • Ways to avoid multiple posting:
    • 1) Don't post until you have put all of your thoughts into your post.
    • 2) If you think of more thoughts, then just edit your post and add them in, so it's all in one.
    • 3) Wait until someone else replies. THEN you can post again.

Guidelines on Venting

Venting refers to the posting of personal concerns that are stressful or traumatic, generally for the purpose of seeking support or advice, or sometimes just to get some thoughts and feelings out. (We are NOT talking about expressing opinions on topics, having disagreements, or respectful debates. That is not what we mean by "venting" in this context.)

The spirit of this wiki is to be a friendly, caring, and supportive community, and one of the important things about it is that it provides a safe space for every user to feel recognized, accepted, and cared about.

We are also dedicated to maintaining a space where no user should fear being exposed to content that is in any way threatening or triggering.

The following options are ways that a user of this wiki may vent their feelings when they feel the need:

  1. Users can always make use of personal blogs, which allow you free expression in your own space. This alone can be very helpful to help to get thoughts and feelings out in a healthy way that can help them to be more manageable.
  2. If a user needs to vent and talk out concerns with someone else, they are free to use the Post of Randomness (Off-Topic Post under "Rules" in the menu above) as an off-topic space to invite someone to have a conversation on a message wall. Just say, "I need to talk. Can I message someone?" If someone is willing and available they will respond, and you can talk on their or your message wall.
  3. Important: Whereas it is fine to talk about thoughts about your day on The Post of Randomness, it is NOT the space to go into detail about a heavy emotional concern.
  4. If there is a concern that needs the help of someone from the wiki staff (Power Users under the Community tab above), you can always contact one of us on our message walls.
  5. This wiki DOES NOT have the expertise or resources to provide assistance for mental health crises. If your concern involves a crisis, please talk with a trusted adult or a mental health practitioner.
  6. You can always talk with one of the wiki staff if you have questions or don't know what to do. We are here for that.

Important Notes

  1. No matter where you post (threads, comments, blogs, message walls), you must always follow the Rules and the Trigger Warning Guidance.
  2. NO space on this wiki is truly private, although message walls are reserved for one-on-one conversations between two members, and they are free of topic restrictions.
  3. Therefore, as always, DO NOT post personal identifying information or anything that you would not be okay with EVERYONE on the wiki reading.
  4. That said, this is a site where everyone is required to treat everyone else with respect.


It would be helpful if the title of posts were something clear about what the post is about. It would be much appreciated if everyone could make titles that give a better idea of what your post is talking about. It makes things more organized and easier to sort through. Also, if trigger warnings are necessary, they must be included in the title of the post

Message Walls

Message wall notifications disappear when you go into a discussions page. Sometimes they glitch and disappear completely, after a while. Off-topic conversation is more welcome on message walls, however, you are always welcome to join the official Off-Topic Thread where we just talk about random subjects.
In the Uniform Resource Locator (URL), where it says, "?threadId=(number)", that number is the link to the thread itself, or the main post. The number after the # is the part of the URL that goes to a specific reply.


To upvote a reply, click the heart on the left side of any post. It should turn bright pink, indicating that you have successfully upvoted. You upvote to show that you like what the person posted, or agree, or think it's funny, something along those lines. You get notifications when people upvote your posts. To see who upvotes your posts, go here. Click the keys CTRL and F on your hard keyboard, then search for "upvote". Unfortunately, searching for words on a page does not work on mobile devices, only desktop ones. You can still find who upvotes your replies, however, you have to look for the text rather than use your computer search to find it. Look for ","causedBy":".

Modifying Your Notifications

To dispose of notifications for upvotes, go to your common.js page. Create the page if you need to, and/or directly copy and paste the content below to the edit box. Then, hit save. For more information , see this article.

    type: 'script',
    articles: [

window.andrewds1021.ignore_notifications.filters = [
        types: [

You can also get a more organized version of your notifications to make them easier to go through as well as less glitchy. Also go to your common css page. Create the page if you need to, and/or directly copy and paste the content below into the edit box. Then, hit save.

@import "/load.php?mode=articles&articles=u:dev:MediaWiki:OrganizedNotifs.css&only=styles";


When you make a post, try to categorize it. We organize posts depending on their intended purpose, so think about why you made the post and what you want it to achieve.

An analysis of what the categories are for:

"General" is basically like "miscellaneous". Anything that does not really belong in any of other the categories belongs there. If there are too many posts in this category that are pretty similar topics, making a new category for that would be considered. Right now, it looks like it is not necessary, and it is all pretty organized, but if you think a new category is needed for a topic that a lot of posts are about, feel free to post your idea.

"Informative Updates" is quite self-explanatory. Examples include: if today is a certain celebration for the wiki or She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, a certain event, something new gets released, a character's birthday perhaps, or the anniversary of the She-Ra release date. Official changes being made to the wiki are also posted there. This can also include interviews with the creators that might reveal information in new detail. To summarise, any update or piece of information that is found will belong here.

"Fan Creation/Project" is anything made by a fan, like artwork, writing, or perhaps a script you devised for an episode that would have been in the main series, to name a few examples. These stories you write should be about canon characters and the art should be of canon characters, not Mermista’s daughter or that princess you came up with who wasn’t canonically mentioned. We would love to see your creativity, though, so if that’s something you’d be interested in sharing please head over to fanon wiki where you can make up your own characters! Creative works that are posted here should have proper crediting if they were not created by you. For example, if you post artwork, the username of the creator should be stated as well as a link to the source, if possible. If you cannot find even the username of the creator, you should just not post it at all.

"Game/Entertainment" is also good to put roleplays in, or any kind of chain thread or poll. Again, roleplay is only permitted if it’s about canon characters! There is an incredible amount of fanon roleplay on the fanon wiki though, so be sure to check that out if you so choose. A fan activity, like a She-Ra quiz would be interesting for this section. It is the humor section, but less random and has more of a complex concept. Any event that you attended or any activity you did that was She-Ra related, such as cosplay or go Christmas shopping for your Catra-loving friend, should go here if you’d like to share. Furthermore, the entertainment can also be within the wiki community—if you want to start some kind of game and let others join in, this is the place to be.

"Community/Appreciation" Anything that has to do with our community - someone's birthday, a holiday, appreciation posts for people, random questions to get to know people better, and the like. This should relate to specifically the wiki community

"Opinions" This is for debate or questions, like here is a perfect place to put your thoughts if you want to. Why or why not? You tell me in the opinions post.

"Analysis/Theories" If you notice some kind of cool pattern in She-Ra, or an interesting possibility is discovered and you want to write a theory, this is the place.

"Humor" should include anything to laugh at, including jokes, memes, anything involving humor.

"Suggestion Box" What do you think we should change to improve the wiki? It could have to do with new guidelines, restrictions, wiki articles/content, formatting maybe, any ideas you have are welcome there.

"Introductions" This category has been specifically made as a place where people who are new to the wiki can say hi and tell a little bit about who they are, their pronouns and what they want to be called, and maybe what brought them to the wiki and/or what they like about SRatPoP, favorite characters, etc. There is no set format, and these are only suggestions for what an introduction should include.

Creating Posts

Creating posts: if you go to the discussions page, you can see that near the top it says, "What's on your mind, 1?". On the right side of that you can see two icons, one with a bunch of lines, and another that's a little data-measuring icon. The lines one you can click on to create posts, the data one you can click on to create polls. A little pop-up box should appear for you to create your post.

After you type a title and body text for it, you can hit "next" on the bottom right of the little box. Here, there is a drop-down menu in which you can choose the category in which your post belongs. If you scroll down a bit on the box, you can see that you can also add tags. Any topic that your post is relevant to and has an article on the wiki, you can add a tag for.

Below those two options for poll and post, you can see a drop-down menu that says "view." with an icon that's a bunch of switches. Click on that and you can see the options "standard" and "condensed", which are two different formats of the way the posts are arranged. Above that you can see two options too, "hot" and "new". You can change both to suit your preference.

On the left side of that same bar, you can see a drop-down menu. If you click on that drop-down menu, it opens all the different categories. You can see posts made in a particular category by clicking on the name of the category.


There is a maximum of # options you can put on a poll. You can also add images. If you look on the right side of each option on a poll when you create it, you can see that there is a little image icon with a mountain and sun behind it. Click that and you can upload images from your device. You can also see who votes for which option: after you vote, you can click on any of the options of the poll, and it will tell you who voted for that option. This may or may not work on certain mobile or desktop devices, and it can also depend on whether the app or website is used.

Once you reply on a thread, you automatically follow it, meaning you get notifications for it whenever new replies are created. To stop the coming of notifications, click on the three dots located at the top right corner of the main post. Then, there are two options: report the post, if it's against rules, which a mod will handle, and the second option is to unfollow it. Click that to stop getting notifications from the thread.


Look here for some specific discussion on where to appropriately roleplay, as it relates to this wiki.

For some basic roleplay guidelines, check this out. There isn't a separate category for this because it's really more for the Fanon Wiki.
But if you wanted to make one, it would probably go into the Game/Activity category.

Basically, in a roleplay, you put in a character (or more than one if you want), and narrate their actions to create a story. Usually you can make up your own characters.

You are also welcome to create your own roleplays. Make a story base, get some friends and boom! You're all set.

The person who creates the roleplay, called the "owner" of it, gets to decide the big changes and the plot, but if they allow others to, they can make up bigger parts of the story too.

Technically, the owner pretty much gets to decide everything about the roleplay, like the amount of characters you can put in and what they do, but the whole thing is pretty loose since it's mostly just for fun.

One thing you can definitely and always control your character's actions, thoughts, small details about them and the story and how it all ties together, and what they say. You narrate your character in the third person limited point of view, about what they say/do/think, and when everyone does this for their own character, it goes together to becomes a story. You may not, however, control other characters and narrate them doing/saying/thinking things, as this is called powerplaying and makes things unorganized and unfair for the person who is supposed to narrate that character. UNLESS the character is NP, which means that anyone can play them.

Sometimes the entire plot is already planned out by the owner, and the members of the roleplay conduct the story with their small amounts of narration. Other times they or everyone just make it up along the way.

The owner of the roleplay should describe the story in their main post. You can also ask people who are in it for a re-cap if you want, to get a sense of what's going on. Owners of the roleplay can assign co-owners to do things that they would normally do, when they're unavailable. The idea is that everyone can decide a part of the story: their own, and how that links to the rest of the story.

To enter an already begun roleplay, you can just ask people if the roleplay is open. If it is, you can just kind of slide your character in and start narrating them right away, probably by introducing them to the other characters in the story. They should probably enter by meeting the others somehow, like maybe if the characters in the story are in a particular place and your character is from that place, that would be a good part to introduce your character.
Different roleplays can vary, though. In the She-Ra Fanon Wiki, most of them are not so strict with rules.
